2024 Happy Hours
Greetings fellow neighbors!
In less than 2 months (March 15?) we will start the monthly Neighborhood Happy Hours @ Legacy Park. These will follow every 3rd(?) Friday through October. This is our 3rd year of Happy Hours, time flies!
Our March theme will again be a celebration of St. Patrick’s Day. Get your Irish on!!
I’m building a team of folk to help me this year, and I would appreciate your assistance. Here are some areas that you can serve our neighborhood as part of the Happy Hour team. 1. Set up 2. Tear down & cleanup 3. Organize food & drink 4. Promotion 5. Be a sponsor (contribute $ or supply food/ drink) 6. Special guest coordinator (like the owl lady and wine educator).
I’m open to your ideas. You can post them here or message me.
It will be great to come back out and enjoy each other’s company again. Cheers to another season of Happy Hours coming up!