Give respect, get respect, share the road, lakemoor neighbors
With common courtesy, common sense, and respect for the rules to share the road, lakemoor hills roads can be safer for everyone. Please do your part whether you are driving, cycling, walking or running.
The law says no texting; common sense says no dialing, talking, being distracted
Be aware – watch for cars that are approaching, turning, at driveways or backing up.
Walk facing traffic – with virtually no sidewalks in lakemoor hills, pedestrians must walk on the left side of the road facing traffic. Walk the outside of sharp curves where possible.
With no crosswalks on either maloney or montlake, it is the pedestrians responsibility to yield to traffic.
Is it smart to walk with earplugs blasting rap music to the center of your brain?
Be visible; wear brigh reflective clothing. Take a flashlight at night.
Runners are pedestrians too. Run against the traffic.
Ride with the traffic and obey the same rules as other vehicles. Stop at stop signs!
Be visible…be predictable signal all turns ride in single file in traffic
Avoid the “door zone” – watch out of parked cars and opening doors
Is it smart to bike with earplugs blasting rap music to the center of your brain?
Wear a helmet snugly strapped to your brain bucket
Slow down. You hit a pedestrian at 45 mph, odds at 85% they won’t survive
At 20 mph, that likelihood falls to 15%… Stop signs mean stop
Expect cyclists, walkers, runner, dog walkers – it’s a neighborhood
Signal turns
Expect the unexpected around curves and over hills (we have both!)
Since we don’t have crosswalks, pedestrians should yield to vehicles but go back to common courtesy and common sense