HOA Membership
May 21, 2024 HOA Meeting Minutes
Here are the minutes from the May 21, 2024 LHHA membership meeting. These will be discussed at tonight’s meeting.
REMINDER: Lakemoor Hills HOA General Meeting tomorrow 7 PM at Lake Hills Church
REMINDER: Time to Renew Your LHHA Dues
Greetings neighbors!
About this time every year I send out the renewal notices for your membership in the Lakemoor Hills homeowners association. Your $40 dues goes towards helping keep our neighborhood beautiful, safe, and secure. Your renewal is due by September 1, 2024.
You may renew, two different ways.
One is by returning the renewal sheet that is in your invoice, with your check, in the enclosed addressed envelope. Make your check out to LHHA.
The other way is to go online to our website, click https://lakemoor.org/lhha/hoa-member-dues-renewal/, and renew online.
Thank you for helping make Lakemoor Hills a great place to live. I appreciate your timely response.
Kathy Proctor, treasurer.
LHHA Board Updates Social Media Guidelines
The LHHA Board has voted to change how access is granted to the LHHA Facebook page. Access to the LHHA Facebook page will only be granted to dues-paying members of LHHA and family members/children of LHHA dues-paying members.
Previously, access was granted to the LHHA Facebook page if you were a member of LHHA or confirmed that you lived on the peninsula in Lakemoor Hills.
Recently, we have had individuals state that they live in Lakemoor Hills and did not. These individuals were soliciting on the Facebook page.
If you are unsure if you have paid your LHHA dues, you can check the membership list at https://lakemoor.org/resources/membership-lists/. You must have an ID and Password to access the membership list. This is in a protected area of the website.
Membership dues are $40.00 to join and may be paid online at https://lakemoor.org/lhha/hoa-member-dues-renewal/. You may also mail in your dues payment to:
Lakemoor Hills HOA
c/o Kathy Proctor, Treasurer
2429 Lakemoor Dr.
Knoxville, TN 37920
Questions? Email Kathy Proctor at ksp53@me.com.
It is anticipated that the LHHA Board will begin removing non-LHHA members in the next two (2) weeks. Hopefully, we will not remove LHHA dues-paying members, but if you are mistakenly removed from the LHHA Facebook page, please let us know.
Lakemoor Hills Homeowner Association Board
Reminder: HOA General Meeting tomorrow 7 PM at Lake Hills Church
May 23, 2023 HOA Meeting Minutes attached for review. The minutes from the last meeting will be presented to meeting attendees for review and approval.
Lakemoor Hills HOA General Meeting on September 19, 2023
Important Message from the LHHA President
Knox County Engineering and Public Works has informed us that for storm brush to be picked up in LH the following needs to happen:
Anyone wanting this done MUST call the Knox County Engineering and Public Works Dept at #865-215-5800 by August, 30 to include their pickup on the list.
Any brush needs to be within 6 feet side of the road and any brush or logs can’t be over 6 feet in length.
They will only pick up brush/logs. If any trash or construction debris is included, it will not be picked up.
Brush/logs should not be near a fire hydrant or utility poles or lines.
There is not a timeline when this will be collected; but, hopefully by the end of September or a month after 8/30.
It doesn’t sound like Knox County or their contractor is going to ‘street to street’ picking up brush/logs from the storm damage. If you are not on their list, your brush/logs will probably not be collected.
Note: LHHA can’t guarantee that brush/logs will be picked up by the county, but this is what we have been told.
New Contract with Waste Connections
Greetings Lakemoor Hills Residents
Recently a number of neighbors noticed a dramatic increase in their Waste Connections fees. We reached out to Waste Connections and realized that our contract from 2016 had expired. We renegotiated the contract with WCI and have secured the discount again for our LHHA members.
The discounted rates for our members are $52.50 per quarter for trash or $88.50 per quarter for trash & recycle pickup. The non-discounted rate for trash & recycle is close to $130 per quarter. So the LHHA members are still seeing a substantial savings.
As we go through this transition, please check your next billing. If it is not the rates that are listed above, you are to contact Customer Service at WCI (865-522-8161 and select option 2). You can speak to a customer service agent who can adjust your bill.
IF you are not yet a member of the homeowners association, you can receive the discount as soon as you join. Just go to lakemoor.org and select “HOA Member Dues and Renewals”.
LHHA Meeting Minutes – March 21, 2023
Reminder: HOA Meeting TUESDAY night at 7:00 PM
Meeting agenda attached.