Alcoa Highway
Knox County Traffic Alert for Alcoa Highway and John Sevier Highway – traffic pattern change effective 4/19/2023
MONTLAKE DR. Traffic Change Begins Tomorrow
KNOXVILLE – Motorists traveling in Knox County should be aware of upcoming traffic changes along Alcoa Highway in Knox County.
Beginning on Wednesday, December 2, access from Barber Hill Road and Montlake Drive to Alcoa Highway will be closed. Signage is in place for new traffic patterns for Barber Hill Road and Montlake Drive to and from Alcoa Highway.
Here is a look at the new traffic patterns for Barber Hill Road and Montlake Drive to and from Alcoa Highway.
Beginning on Wednesday, December 2, access from both Barber Hill Road and Montlake to Alcoa Highway will be closed permanently.
New traffic patterns are as follows:
- Montlake Drive traffic to Alcoa Highway northbound: Will travel east around the round-a-bout at Montlake round-a-bout, cross the bridge, turn left onto Collector 3, turn left onto Woodson
Drive and then turn right onto Alcoa Highway northbound. - Montlake Drive traffic to Alcoa Highway southbound: Will travel south at the round-a-bout at Montlake round-a-bout, follow along Collector 6 (at the base of the large wall) and the turn right
onto Alcoa Highway southbound at the stop sign. - Barber Hill traffic to Alcoa Highway northbound: Turn right onto Collector 3, turn left onto Woodson Drive and then turn right onto Alcoa Highway northbound.
- Barber Hill traffic to Alcoa Highway southbound: Will travel across the bridge, turn left onto Collector 6, and turn right onto Alcoa Highway souhtbound at the stop sign.
- Alcoa Highway southbound to Montlake Drive: Turn right onto Maloney Road, turn left at the round-a-bout and go east across the bridge, go left around the round-a-bout and turn right onto Alcoa Highway southbound, turn right onto Collector 5 (side road the runs by National Fitness Center and the Health Factory), turn left and cross the bridge, turn right onto Collector 6, and turn left at the round-a-bout to Montlake Drive.
- Alcoa Highway northbound to Montlake Drive: Turn right onto Collector 5 (side road the runs by National Fitness Center and the Health Factory), turn left and cross the bridge, turn right onto Collector 6, and turn left at the round-a-bout to Montlake Drive.
- Alcoa Highway northbound to Barber Hill: Turn right onto Woodson Drive, turn right onto Collector 3, turn left onto Barber Hill.
- Alcoa Highway southbound to Barber Hill: Turn right onto Maloney Road, turn left at the round-a-bout and go east across the bridge, go left around the round-a-bout and turn right onto Alcoa Highway northbound, turn right onto Woodson Drive, turn right onto Collector 3, turn left onto Barber Hill.
This schedule is contingent on favorable weather conditions. Motorists are advised to use extreme caution in this area as workers will be present.
For more information on this project, please visit:
In 2016, the Tennessee Department of Transportation lost three workers in the line of duty. All three were struck by passing motorists. Those tragedies bring the total number of TDOT lives lost to 112. We don’t want to lose another member of our TDOT family. We’re asking you to WORK WITH US. Click on the WORK WITH US logo to learn more.
Mark Nagi
TDOT Community Relations Officer
Region 1 (East Tennessee)
7345 Region Lane
Knoxville, TN 37914
865-594-0161 (Office)
865-255-7731 (Cell)
Twitter: @MarkNagiTDOT
Alcoa Hwy Update – Bridges Open Dec. 2 – Traffic Reroutes
Drivers that wish to go north on Alcoa Hwy towards downtown Knoxville
- Drivers that wish to go north on Alcoa Hwy towards downtown Knoxville will cross Alcoa Hwy on the new Montlake bridge, turn left on the new feeder road on the east side of Alcoa Hwy and follow that new feeder road to Woodson Dr. There the driver will turn left onto Woodson and right onto Alcoa Hwy.
Traveling southward (towards Maryville) on Alcoa Hwy
- Traveling southward (towards Maryville) on Alcoa Hwy, the exit from Alcoa Hwy to Montlake will no longer be open except to the first 4 residents who front on Montlake (2543, 2535, 2527, and 2519 Montlake). The barrier signage at Alcoa Hwy will indicate “LOCAL RESIDENTS ONLY”, which means ONLY the 4 addresses listed above at this time.
- Those on Lynbrulee, Craghead and Trillium and all other residents who travel Montlake will have to access their properties by exiting at the Maloney bridge and driving through Lakemoor Hills to the intersection of Montlake and Maloney.
- To leave Lakemoor Hills and go southbound on Alcoa Hwy, you will need to drive to Maloney Rd. and enter Alcoa Hwy by driving ¾ of the way around the roundabout and taking the exit to Alcoa Hwy.
- This change will place a great increase in traffic on Maloney Rd. I encourage each of you to have patience and drive the speed limit (30 MPH) to make the roads safe for all.
Western Feeder Road (Lakemoor Hills Side)
- The feeder road on the west side (Lakemoor Hills side) of Alcoa Hwy will be open to 2-way traffic between the Montlake roundabout and the Mt. Vernon bridge. This will allow the residents of Martha Washington Heights to join the Lakemoor Hills residents as we move northward to Woodson to enter Alcoa Hwy.
- The remainder of the western feeder road (from Mt. Vernon bridge southward) will not be continuous to the Maloney bridge until AT&T relocates some telephone poles that restrict the completion of the paving. As we get more information about that progress, we will pass along to you.
Eastern Feeder Road (Martha Washington Heights Side)
- The feeder road on the eastern side of Alcoa Hwy (Martha Washington Heights side) will be 2-way from Mt. Vernon bridge past National Fitness to SHA Automotive.
Announcing: MONTLAKE ROAD CLOSURE _ Nov. 8, 9, 10 (7 PM to 5 AM)
Name Change for Ginn Dr. on the Agenda Again
Closing of Montlake Entry at Alcoa – Oct. 23
Many of you have seen the digital display along Alcoa Hwy that announces that the exit from Alcoa Hwy to Montlake will close on October 23. The Blalock project manager explained today that Montlake will remain closed until the completion of this phase of the Alcoa Hwy expansion.
This means that all residents of Lakemoor Hills will only be able to exit Alcoa Hwy heading south at Ginn Rd. and Maloney Rd. You will be able to enter Alcoa Hwy heading south at these two roads also.
But if you wish to head north to UT Hospital or downtown, your only choice will be to enter Alcoa Hwy by crossing the Maloney Rd. bridge over Alcoa and use the exit from the round a bout to access the northern lane.
If Montlake has been your entry and exit of choice, you may need to plan to add a few extra minutes to reroute to Maloney for the next 6 or 7 months.
October 10 Planning Meeting to Address Name Change of Ginn Rd.
PLANNING (previously called MPC) has published their draft agenda for their October 10, 2019 meeting. Item #7 under STREET NAME CHANGES is a proposal to change the name of Ginn Rd. (from Alcoa Hwy to the intersection with Maloney Rd). to Quiet Side Drive. There has been a sign posted near the intersection of Alcoa and Ginn that announces this proposed change. Those of you that think this might not be such a good idea may want to attend the meeting that afternoon at the City County Building Main Assembly Room at 1:30 PM.
Planning staff had decided that this name change was necessary since with the Alcoa Hwy construction, Ginn Rd. no longer aligned and renaming the roads would reduce confusion.
We are blessed to have Dick Graf sitting on that board so you may want to share your thoughts about this with Dick before the meeting. He has pointed out to the board that the Ginn farm was located on this side of Alcoa Hwy so history supports the road remaining the same name.
To view the entire agenda you may follow this link. Planning
Alcoa Highway Commercial Development Studies
Team 1: Site Study Area is from Mount Vernon Drive to National Fitness Center Site
Alcoa Highway Charrette Report & Vision Plan_Team 1
Team 2: Site Study Area is from the Strip Shopping Center to Ginn Drive
Alcoa Highway Charrette Report & Vision Plan_Team 2
Team 3: Site Study Area is from National Fitness Center site to Ginn Drive
Alcoa Highway Charrette Report & Vision Plan_Team 3
Team 4: Site Study Area is from Ginn Drive to Maloney Road
Public Review of Design Solutions to Alcoa Hwy Commercial
Friday, July 26 fromt 5 – 6 PM a public presentation of design ideas for the revitalization of the commercial corridor along Alcoa Hwy will occur at the North Campus of Sevier Heights Baptist Church (adjacent to CVS). Please come and see what might be able to happen in the commercial area right outside our neighborhood. Light refreshments will be served. Please come voice your ideas. Download “Invitation.pdf” Invitation.pdf – Downloaded 2886 times – 246.06 KB