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About the Lakemoor Hills Resource Council
The Lakemoor Hills Resource Council (LHRC) was created in 2013 as a 501(c)3 with the purpose of promoting “the beauty, safety (in cooperation with the appropriate public authorities) and orderly development of areas owned by or easements granted to the public authorities and organizations qualified under section 501(c)3 of the IRS Code within the Lakemoor Hills peninsula as it is located westerly of the northbound lane of Alcoa Hwy and bounded on the west and north by the Tennessee River.”
The LHRC board consists of representatives from the LHHA, the LH Garden Club, The LH Home and Garden Club, with additional board members appointed at large.
When a neighborhood entity proposes a project that needs the assistance of the LHRC, it submits a project proposal which is forwarded to member groups for review and comment. If a project is accepted, an LHRC board member is designated as the Project Liaison and serves as the conduit between the project team and the LHRC board.
The LHRC can collect monies (donations are tax deductible), hold monies and disburse monies. The LHRC charges a small administrative fee to projects to cover administrative costs such as printing and PO Box. The LHRC can also act as the entity that submits grants in conjunction with the requesting organization.
Previous and ongoing projects
- Repaving the tennis courts at the Lake Hills Presbyterian Church property
- Development of the park at Circle Lake called Legacy Park and Garden
- Alcoa Highway landscaping
- Security camera system in Lakemoor Hills
Potential future projects
- Maloney Road Park improvements
- Greenway expansion through Lakemoor Hills – “Missing Link”
- Greenway landscaping
Donate to the Lakemoor Hills Resource Council
Tax-deductible gifts will be used solely to benefit the neighborhood of Lakemoor Hills. Your gifts may be either directed or non-directed. If you do not direct a gift to a specific project, the LHRC board will choose how to use the funds for current or future needs. If you choose to direct your donation to a specific approved project, the funds will be used solely for that purpose. Your contribution to the Lakemoor Hills Resource Council is a tax deductible donation and may be made here or with a mailed check.
If writing a check, please make it out to LHRC, and mail it to:
Lakemoor Hills Resource Council
P.O. Box 10435
Knoxville, TN 37939
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