Dear Neighbors:
Just last night, Ashley Maynor has graciously volunteered to become the Chair of our Communications Committee, which is responsible for the website and other communication issues, including delivery of minutes to those not having e-mail access. Ashley has good knowledge of the program which runs our website. She is new to our neighborhood, so we doubly appreciate her stepping up.
To date, other than my own involvement, we have had only one other neighbor volunteer to serve on the committee – Cindy Fecher. Thank you Cindy. Ashley is looking for other volunteers to serve on the committee – those who are somewhat computer literate or those who wouldn’t mind delivering a few infrequent paper communications. Walt Anen has been volunteering for that task over the past years. Thank you , Walt. If you feel you can help Ashley, please e-mail her at amaynor(at) and let her know. She’d appreciate it.
As you may know, our website was newly created by “Neighborhood Nerds” who did a great job with the overall structure and initial content at a very nominal price. We are now on our own to update the content of our website. Much of the general information on our website is available to the public, but much detail is provided only to members within the “committee” structure. If you have committee information to be added, please discuss with your committee chair to work within the format they have defined for their own committee. If it is not committee related, please discuss it with Ashley.
We are currently looking for interesting historical information about our neighborhood to be made available on the public side of our site. If you have something, please contact Ashley.
As you know, an important piece of the new website is our ability to send e-mails to all our members through the “Forum” function of the site, after logging in – and to easily respond to those e-mails which are received.
Finally, we should all thank Ashley for stepping forward to take on this important function. If you can join in her committee, please do so. Thank you.
Best regards,
John Haynes