The Dogwood Trails will be opening in just a couple of weeks, so we have some work to do. Ann Graf and Kim McCoy Hill are our representatives on the Dogwood Trails Committee. They were informed by Public Works that the completion of the debris pickup along the trails is March 23. You need to get those limbs to the curb immediately!
Neighborhood Cleanup Day is also March 23. We will meet at the church parking lot at 9 AM to pick up our tools and get our assignments. Keep Knoxville Beautiful is supplying gloves, garbage bags, pickers and safety vests.
This year we have 6 open gardens that are featured in the Dogwood Arts Trails and Gardens Guide. Our new Legacy Park and Gardens at the east end of Circle Lake is one of these gardens. As it spent a bit of time underwater during our recent rains, we could really use your help to spruce us this location.
We will post any updates on this preparation as we get closer to the dates.