This is another announcement about firewood being ready to pick up for those interested. It is now turning cooler. We had to take down a huge hickory tree in the summer and it has all been cut into 16” lengths and split. It is easily accessible from the driveway. If anyone would like a truckload or two, let me know.While several folks have taken away truckloads, there is quite bit left.
I will be at our house for sure today and tomorrow night from 6:00 to 7:00 and it can be picked up then. Saturday morning may also be a good time, but let me know.
While such hardwood is expensive if purchased, we are giving it away, but do encourage donations to our Lakemoor Hills Home Owners Association towards their beautification efforts with the traffic circles and other future Alcoa Hwy needs.
Gordon Burghardt,
3513 Maloney Rd., 865-573-7409, 865-254-7236 (messages can be left on both)