Knoxville Neighborhood Advisory – Vol. 8, No. 18 – Tuesday June 2, 2015
1. Knoxville Finalist for Bell Helmet 100,000 Dollar Prize
2. Preorder Your Rain Barrels and Compost Bins Today
3. SKNBC and Chapman Pool Offer Free Day to Members
4. Garage Sales, Permits and Signs
5. Harbours Gate Community Festival to Take Place at Montgomery Village
6. City of Knoxville Launches New Website, Office of Neighborhood Gets Blog
7. KEMA Offers Community Emergency Response Team Training
8. Neighborhood and Government Calendar
Published by the City of Knoxville’s Office of Neighborhoods to report news important to Knoxville’s residential neighborhoods. News & calendar deadline: 5 p.m. Mondays.
1. Knoxville Finalist for Bell Helmet 100,000 Dollar Prize
Knoxville is one of just three national finalists for a $100,000 trailblazing grant from Bell Helmets.
Sponsored by the Appalachian Mountain Bike Club (AMBC), the project is titled the Urban Wilderness Gravity Trail. If Knoxville wins, AMBC will build a world-class bike trail in South Knoxville’s Urban Wilderness.
To support the project, go to and select the Urban Wilderness Gravity Trail. Voting ends June 4.
The Gravity Trail will complement the 40 plus miles of biking and hiking trails already constructed in the South Knoxville. The trail will include rock gardens, drops, and constructed features to create a challenging trail for experienced riders.
“This is a really exciting opportunity for us to put Knoxville in the big leagues with other biking destinations,” said Matthew Kellogg, President of the Appalachian Mountain Bike Club (AMBC). “If we can build this trail, we add a progression to our trails that we don’t currently have – with awesome opportunities for beginners to expert riders,” he added.
Also in the running for the prize is COGGS from Duluth, Minnesota, and Merced Irrigation District from Merced, California.
For more information contact Matthew Kellogg @ 865-603-2940 or
2. Preorder Your Rain Barrel and Compost Bin Today!
Preorders are underway for the Water Quality Forum’s annual rain barrel and compost bin sale, which allows residents to purchase the environmentally-friendly devices at a discounted rate.
Water Quality Forum allows residents to purchase the environmentally friendly devices at a discounted rate online now through June 14. The pickup date will be Saturday, June 20, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., at Walgreens, 7523 Kingston Pike.
Conserving water is one way to lower your utility bill. The water collected in a rain barrel can be used to water your plants, wash your car, or even a pet. This helps reduce water usage from the tap, thus saving you money.
Did you know that approximately 25% of garbage that homeowners throw out is compostable? Would you like to help conserve land from being used as landfills? Compost Bins are an excellent way to reduce the amount of garbage you take to the street each week.
To order or for more information: or you may contact Amy Mann at 865-215-5283.
3. SKNBC and Chapman Pool Offer Free Day to Members
Are you a member of the South Knoxville Neighborhood and Business Coalition (SKNBC)?
On June 14, Chapman Pool is offering a free day to swim, and enjoy free watermelon and popsicles for SKNBC members. SKNBC includes Colonial Village Neighborhood Association, Island Home Park Neighborhood Association, Lake Forest Neighborhood Association, Old Sevier Community Group, South Haven Neighborhood Association, and South Woodlawn Neighborhood Association. If you live in any of these neighborhoods come enjoy a free day in the sun and meet your neighbors!
There is also a concession stand to purchase hamburgers, hotdogs, and other snacks but you can bring your own picnic. The Chapman pool offers an Olympic size pool, low dive, high dive and kiddie pool. The event promises to be family fun for everyone.
Employees of businesses that are members of SKNBC are also invited to this free event. Please visit to find a list of member businesses.
If you are unsure of your neighborhood’s membership, please contact your local neighborhood association via the City of Knoxville Office of Neighborhoods at or send an email to or call 309-4661.
4. Garage Sales, Permits and Signs
Did you know that a permit is needed for a garage sale?
Knoxville has a city ordinance to cover Personal Property Sales. But don’t stress, the form is very short, the fee is $10.00, and it can cover multiple days.
Any sale on your property requires this permit. You can have your sale for up to three consecutive days OR for two consecutive weekends. This can all be included in one permit. You may receive a permit three times in a one-year period.
If a neighborhood wants to do a large multi-home garage sale, it only needs to fill out one form and pay the fee once. Each participating home isn’t required to fill out a form or pay separately.
Signs are allowed. They can be put out no earlier than 2 days in advance, taken down each night and replaced in the morning. A homeowner can have two signs on the property of the sale, which will be no more than four square feet. There may be two directional signs that can be no more than two square feet on other property for which you have received written permission to do so.
According to the City’s ordinance, garage sales shall begin no earlier than 9:00 a.m. and last no later than 6:00 p.m.
If you have questions or concerns, you may call the Business License and Tax office at 215-2083.
5. Harbours Gate Community Festival to Take Place at Montgomery Village
Montgomery Village will host the 4th Annual Inner City Got Voice Competition.
The Competition is run by Harbours Gate, a local 501(c)3 organization dedicated to building safer and stronger communities.
The event will feature a talent competition for the Inner City Housing Community residents. Voice, instrumental, dance, individual acts, bands and all genres of music are welcome. All lyrics must be clean and without profane or vulgar language.
Sterling ‘Sterl the Pearl’ Hinton, a nationally known DJ and former UT Quarterback, as well as Laurel Wright, an American Idol Finalist and Nashville Recording Artist, will host the talent competition.
The event will take place at the Montgomery Village Athletic Fields, 4600 Joe Lewis Rd. Knoxville, TN. It will take place from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. Performances will begin at 6:00 p.m.
To preregister, contact Tom Garner at 679-8610 or register from 5:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. the day of the event.
6. City of Knoxville Launches New Website, Office of Neighborhood Gets Blog
The City of Knoxville is proud to announce the launch of its new website at
This is the first update to the City’s website since 2004. The website features a clean, photo-centric homepage with easy navigation and increased user functionality including integrated calendars, blogs and photo galleries. Also the webpage is designed to work on mobile devices as well as desktops.
As part of the update, the Office of Neighborhoods has a new blog. Timely news and information relevant to neighborhood groups will be available there. Also, the Office of Neighborhoods is calling for Neighborhood photos that can be uploaded to the website to showcase neighborhood activities and events. Send your digital photos to with “photo” in the subject line by June 26. Be sure to include the name of the neighborhood and the event title, along with a phone number. Or call Travis Nissen at 215-3077.
The old website will remain active at for a limited time, to ease the transition, but a banner will direct visitors to the new website. After a short time, the old address will simply redirect to the new site.
Any comments or questions about the new website can be emailed to
7. KEMA Offers Community Emergency Response Team Training
The Knoxville-Knox County Emergency Management Agency (KEMA) — in cooperation with other local emergency response agencies — is offering Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training.
Neighborhood representatives are urged to sign up.
“During major emergencies and disasters, emergency response agencies can be overloaded, and professional responders may not be immediately available,” says KEMA Operations Officer Colin Ickes. “The CERT program gives people the information and skills they need to be prepared and to be able to help themselves, their households and their neighbors during a disaster.”
When individuals complete CERT training, they are expected to focus on their neighborhoods and their immediate area. “When [CERT members] see a need in their neighborhood, and they can put their CERT skills into practice, then they should do so,” Ickes explained.
The CERT class will meet a total of eight times. Seven sessions will be held at 6 p.m. Thursdays, starting July 16 and ending August 27. The last class, a Disaster Simulation, will take place on Saturday, August 29.
Each class session will last approximately 2.5 to 3 hours. There is no cost for the course, and all materials will be provided.
To register, contact Colin Ickes at or 865-215-1166.
In addition to CERT, the Office of Neighborhoods offers a guide and training to develop a neighborhood-level disaster preparedness plan. For more on this, contact Griff Ashooh at 215-3456 or
Other details can be found here:
8. Neighborhood and Government Calendar
Include your neighborhood-related event or meeting in this space. Call 215-3456.
Visit for a complete list of meetings of various city boards and commissions. See the Community Events Calendar:
If you are a person with a disability who requires an accommodation in order to attend a City of Knoxville public meeting, please contact Stephanie Brewer Cook at or 215-2034 no less than 72 hours prior to the meeting you wish to attend.
Tuesday, June 2 — 4:30 p.m.
Dandridge Avenue Neighborhood Watch (First Tuesdays)
Beck Cultural Exchange Center, 1927 Dandridge Ave.
Lawrence Washington, 524-4498
Tuesday, June 2 — 6 p.m.
Mechanicsville Community Association (First Tuesdays)
Fairview Recreation Center, 1628 Dora St.
Charles Wright, 637-1802
Tuesday, June 2 — 6-7 p.m.
Norwood Neighborhood Watch – 6 p.m.
Norwood Homeowners Association – 7 p.m.
Monthly on a Tuesday: Jun 2, Jul 14, Aug 11, Sep 8
New Hope Presbyterian Church, 1705 Merchants Road
Lynn Redmon, 688-3136
Wednesday, June 3 — Breakfast – 7:30 a.m. Meeting – 8 a.m.
East Towne Area Business & Professional Association (First Wednesdays)
Neighborhood Residents and Leaders encouraged to attend
New Harvest Park Community Building
Chair, Justin Sterling,
Thursday, June 4 — 6 pm
Cumberland Estates West Neighborhood Watch
(First Thursdays, even-numbered months)
Cumberland Estates Recreation Center, 4529 Silver Hill Drive
Anna Compton, 599-0724,
Thursday, June 4 — 6:30 p.m.-8 p.m.
South Knoxville Open Forum
Get an update on issues and projects in South Knoxville
Hosted by City Councilman Nick Pavlis, County Commissioner Mike Brown and
School Board Member Amber Rountree
Ijams Nature Center, 2915 Island Home Avenue
Monday, June 8 — 1:30 p.m.
Montgomery Village Residents Association (Second Mondays)
4600 Joe Lewis Rd. #175
Ronnie Thompson, 604-6492
Monday, June 8 — 3 p.m.
Northgate Resident Association (Second Mondays)
Social Hall, 4301 Whittle Springs Rd.
David Wildsmith, 219-0417
Monday, June 8 — 5-6 p.m.
Cold Springs Neighborhood Watch (Second Mondays)
Michael Meadowview Neighborhood Watch (Second Mondays)
CAC East Neighborhood Center, 4200 Asheville Hwy.
Michael Meadowview: Marian Bailey, 525-5625
Cold Springs: Terrell Patrick, 525-4833
Monday, June 8
Fountain City Town Hall (Second Mondays)
Board Meetings: 6 p.m. Monthly
General Membership Meetings: 7 p.m., April, September, November
Church of the Good Shepherd, 5337 Jacksboro Pike
Daniel Dunn, 387-6390,
Monday, June 8 — 6 p.m.
Lyons View Community Club (Second Mondays)
Lyons View Community Center, 114 Sprankle Ave.
Mary Brewster, 454-2390
Monday, June 8 — 6 p.m.
Vestal Community Organization (Second Mondays)
South Knoxville Community Center, 522 Old Maryville Pike
Katherine Johnson, 566-1198
Monday, June 8 — 6 p.m.
Downtown Residents Meeting
(Second Monday, First Month of Each Quarter)
Knoxville Chamber, 17 Market Square
Central Business Improvement District (CBID)
Michele Hummel, 246-2654,
Monday, June 8 — 6:30 p.m.
Community Potluck
Historic Fourth & Gill Neighborhood Organization (Second Mondays)
Central United Methodist Church, 210 Third Ave.
Liz Upchurch, 898-1809,
Monday, June 8 — 6:30 p.m.
Historic Old North Knoxville (Second Mondays)
St. James Episcopal Church, Parish Hall, 1101 N. Broadway
Andie Ray, 548-5221
Monday, June 8 — 7 p.m.
Belle Morris Community Action Group (Second Mondays)
City View Baptist Church, 2311 Fine Ave.
Rick Wilen, 524-5008
Tuesday, June 9 — 9 a.m.
Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) Technical Committee
(Second Tuesdays)
Small Assembly Room, City County Building
Dori Canon, 215-2694,
Tuesday, June 9 — 11:45 a.m.
Agenda Review, Metropolitan Planning Commission
(Tuesday before MPC’s monthly meeting)
Small Assembly Room, City County Building
Tuesday, June 9 — 2 p.m.
Western Heights Resident Association (Second Tuesdays)
Building to the right of the mail boxes when you enter Western Heights
Jamesena Nolan, 237-5558
Tuesday, June 9 — 4-5 p.m.
City of Knoxville Greenways Commission
(2nd Tuesdays, even-numbered months)
Larry Cox Senior Center, 3109 Ocoee Trail
Lori Goerlich, Parks & Recreation Dept., 215-2807
Tuesday, June 9 — 6 p.m.
Brown Avenue Neighborhood Watch (Second Tuesdays)
Hoitt Ave. Baptist Church, 2121 Hoitt Ave.
Jimmy Ramsey, 637-0243
Tuesday, June 9 — 7 p.m.
City Council (Every Other Tuesday)
Wednesday, June 10 — 7:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
City Business Breakfast
Helping local businesses “do business” with the City of Knoxville
More Info:
Register online at
Knoxville Civic Coliseum, 500 Howard Baker Jr. Ave.
City of Knoxville, Purchasing Department
Wednesday, June 10 — 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Food Policy Council
(Second Wednesdays but check website for confirmation)
Knox County Health Department, 140 Dameron Avenue;
Wednesday, June 10 — 11:30 a.m.
Community Forum (Second Wednesdays)
Bearden Branch Library, 100 Golf Club Road
Sue Mauer, 690-0269
Wednesday, June 10 — 4:30 p.m.
Neighborhood Advisory Council, City of Knoxville
(Second Wednesdays except December)
CAC / L.T. Ross Building, 2247 Western Ave.
David Massey, 215-3232