Lakemoor Hills Garden Club Announces New Community Gardens
The daytime garden club in our neighborhood has been working with a landscape architect to develop gardens on two pieces of Knox County Highway Dept. property within Lakemoor Hills. One is the 1/10th mile median strip along Bluff Point and the other is the circular property in the cut-de-sac at the end of Circle Lake. These two designs will be on display at the LHHA meeting on Nov. 17 at 7 PM at Lake Hills Church. The gardens are designed to be demonstration areas using plants that are native to our area and attract birds and butterflies. They also incorporate rain garden designs that will help mitigate storm water issues along certain properties. Knox County Stormwater Department has worked with us to develop the ideas and is providing some of the funding through a grant program for the plant acquisition and installation. There will be seating areas, walking paths, a small gathering area for music or storytelling, and beauty for all seasons. Development of the gardens will happen over a period of time and there will be many opportunities for neighbors to become involved. Come Tuesday night to see the designs and hear more about our plans.