Greetings Volunteers
I want to invite you to again participate in our 2017 Neighborhood Cleanup Day. This year we are partnering with Keep Knoxville Beautiful as part of larger effort, South Knoxville Cleanup, Volunteers from all over South Knoxville are working in teams to beautify different areas in South Knoxville that need attention. All participants are welcome to attend a lunch at noon at Sam Duff Memorial Park – 4060 Chapman Hwy with other South Knoxville volunteers.
For those that prefer to stay in the neighborhood and feast on pizza at the Lake Hills Church pavilion, we will again provide lunch to our attendees about 11:30 AM.
We are also partnering with Ijams Nature Center and supporting their annual River Rescue project. River Rescue is dedicated to cleaning up trash that has accumulated along the river bottom before TVA raiseS the river each year to its full pool. This year their event is scheduled on April 1, but we are going to count our efforts on March 25. Ijams has offered us garbage bags, gloves and T-shirts.
So if you plan to participate this year and want a T-shirt, please email me back with your name and preferred T-shirt size. I need this information by March 18.
Here are the activities that we will do on March 25. Please tell me where you would like to volunteer.
- Clean street signs – Diane DeRopp & John Witherspoon lead the effort
- Spread Mulch – Bluff Point, Circle Lake, Lakecrest, others?
- Pick up trash along road – Please tell me what road
- Pick up the pizza, purchase plates, napkins, drinks, cups
- Go pick up a load of mulch in a pickup truck
If you can do a little or a lot, we appreciate your help! Thank you for helping to keep Lakemoor Hills a beautiful neighborhood!!
Lakemoor Hills Beautification Committee
Jim Gray, Chair & Kathy Proctor – project coordinator