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LHHA Picnic Success
THANK YOU LHHA PICNIC COMMITTEE, ESPECIALLY TO JIM AND DIANE DEROPP AND YOUR WHOLE GROUP OF WORKERS, IT WAS A WONDERFUL DAY FOR ALL OF US HERE IN LAKEMOOR HILLS. The atmosphere , The delicious BBQ prepared by the The Shivers, the delicious food, the music ,the jump house provided by Forrest Orr, games, “special events for children, the arrival of the pony for rides for the kids, antique cars display, plant swap and especially for all our talented neighbors that shared their art, The conversation , the opportunity to see many that came “back” to visit and enjoy old times, the newer families, the children. It was a special day and everyone left with a feeling of community and a chance to meet, eat and just have a wonderful summer picnic .What a great day to be a neighbor in Lakemoor Hills. Thank You for all your hard work you’ re efforts were enjoyed by everyone. Dick G.