What a wonderful event our picnic was on Saturday, May 21st, thanks to the support and participation of so many of our residents! The “head count” was about 175! It is going to be difficult to recognize all of you who helped, and my apologies if anyone is overlooked. Here goes an attempt. To begin with, a big thanks goes to Randy Fishman and his musicial group, “The Fish Skales”! What a treat to enjoy such a talented group. Another big thanks to Forrest Orr of Dean Smith Reality who sponsored the bouncy house. Jim de Ropp did a great job with the signs, banners and tents with the help of Bill Terry, Chris Reagan, and Ryan Welch. Site preparation was headed up by a very hard-working Randy Humble who was assisted by John Witherspoon, Tim & Cindy McLaughlin & kids, Bill Stoess, Charlie Mulligan, Dick Graf, John Haynes, David Gerkin, & Clay Aalders. Lynn Kleinfelter did an excellent job preparing the tables and organizing the buffet with the help of Sharon Gerkin, Barbara Kincaid, Barbara Houchins & Ann Graf. Drinks were provided by the Burrs, Haynes, Gerkins, & Proctors and Suzan Bowman did a great job ordering and picking up the chicken & providing the water. Thanks to Linda Haynes, Rosemary Burr & Geri Mulligan for manning the welcome table. Cheri Perry, Kim Overman and Ramona did a super job with the children’s activities. Thanks to Pat and Alex Shivers, the kids had a great time riding their miniature horse “Debbie”! The art display was wonderful thanks to Ken Pace, Sandra, Kathy & Bob Proctor, and Heather Whiteside. Mike Parker and the Proctors also handed out emergency response bags after completing the training program. The steel drums are always a big hit thanks to Randy and Leslie Kerns. The car/boat display was quite a success thanks to Mike Parker and all who participated. Thanks again to Bill Stoess for the ever-popular corn hole. Thanks to everyone who brought plants for the “swap”, and many thanks to Flo Curtis, Steve, Annemarie and Annika Rasmussen & Cindy McLaughlin for manning the tennis project table. Ryan Welch also was a big help with pubicity in taking photographs to send to The Shopper and posting the flyer on Facebook. Of course, a HUGE THANKS goes to all of you who attended this fun event and brought all the delicious food!!! Also how wonderful it was to have so many pitch in to clean-up, move the tables & chairs, etc back into the church. Wow, what a fantastic neighborhood we live in! Once again, sincere apologies to anyone who was overlooked. Have a great day! Diane de Ropp, Social Chairman LHHA