Social Committee Events
Breaking news!
The LHHA Social Committee has some exciting events planned for 2016. Please get out your calendar and mark the following dates:
Sunday, March 6 at 6:00 p.m., Lake Hills Presbyterian Church is having a “Breakfast and Blue Grass” get-together and everyone in the neighborhood is invited to this fun evening of delicious food and toe-tapping music. All you need to do is to bring a breakfast item to share.
Saturday, March 26 at 2:00 p.m., Lake Hills Presbyterian Church is having an Easter Egg Hunt at the Church and invites all children in the neighborhood to attend.
Saturday, May 21 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. LHHA is having our annual neighborhood picnic. More information will follow, but for now “SAVE THE DATE” for this fun filled event.
We look forward to enjoying lots of good food and great fellowship with all of you.
Happy New Year from your Social Committee Co-Chairs, Suzan Bowman and Diane deRopp