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Alcoa Hwy: February 7, 2017
Contract CNQ029 Alcoa Highway SR 115 (US 129)
February 7, 2017 Project Update
The Maloney Road roundabout on the east side of Alcoa Highway (near Sevier Heights Baptist Church) is open to traffic. Traffic can access the roundabout on 3 of 4 legs (the 4th being the leg on the Maloney Road where the bridge over Alcoa Hwy. will be constructed). Traffic was allowed access on Friday, February 3, 2017.
Excavation and fill activities are taking place on both sides of Alcoa Hwy. Trucks can be seen hauling material from cut slopes to fill areas on the east side between Barber Hill Rd. and Mount Vernon Rd. as well as on the west side between the large cut slope and Montlake Dr. Drainage structures are also being installed in these areas as well as near Woodson Drive.