The Lakemoor Hills Garden Club has fresh 2022 crop fancy gourmet pecans (whole halves and pieces) available.
Contact Suzan Bowman at if you would like to purchase before Thursday.
Picnic is Saturday April 2
The Neighborhood Family Picnic is Saturday April 2 from 2:00-6:00.
Everyone is Welcome
11:00 Decorating the Banner, Bicycles and other parade items.
1:45 Stage cars on Tall Pine Road for the Car Show
2:00 Parade through the Church Walking Track, Picnic Officially Begins
2:00 Bounce House and Children Activities Opens
2:00 Band begins Playing
2:00 Food Trucks Open
3:00 – 5:00 Face Painting
6:00 Event Concludes
More Tulips Available for Trail Residents- Hurry
This past week about two dozen of your Lakemoor Hills neighbors planted about 450 Pink Impression tulip bulbs outlining the center circles of each of the three Alcoa Highway roundabouts at Maloney and Montlake. This project is sponsored by the Lakemoor Hills Garden Club to help showcase Lakemoor Hills as the “featured trail” for Dogwood Arts in spring 2022. These tulips are expected to begin blooming in early April – about the time of the opening of the Dogwood Trail.
Some Pink Impression tulip bulbs are still available to homeowners along the Dogwood Trail. If you are interested in exhibiting this symbol of neighborhood pride on your property facing the Dogwood Trail, you can ask for a package containing 9 of these tulip bulbs. Help is available with siting and planting as needed. We recommend a $5 donation to the Lakemoor Hills Garden club for your package of bulbs.
To place your order, contact Tim McLaughlin (865-599-7251) or Cindy McLaughlin (865-599-7239).
It’s not too late, but don’t delay! Only 18 packages of tulips remain!
LHHA Membership Meeting In-Person and Zoom Tuesday Nov. 16
The LHHA membership meeting will be held at Lake Hills Church at 7:00 pm. on Tuesday, November 16. The doors open at 6:30 pm and the meeting starts at 7:00 pm.
Join the Virtual HOA meeting on Tuesday, November 16 starting at 6:45 p.m.
The meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. You can sign into the meeting 15 minutes prior to the start.
Go to to set up an account for free or download the Zoom Meetings app on your phone. We recommend that you set up your account the day before the meeting.
You can click on this link to take you to the meeting:
Meeting ID: 873 0165 1760
Passcode: 082713
We recommend that you click on Use Computer Audio.
The agenda includes details about the Dogwood Arts Festival Featured Trail.
Call or text Suzan Bowman at 865-705-9451 if you have trouble logging on.
Lakemoor Hills Homeowners Association Virtual Meeting
Join the Virtual HOA meeting on Tuesday September 21 starting at 6:45 p.m.
The meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. You can sign into the meeting 15 minutes prior to the start. The meeting will be locked at 7:20 p.m.
Go to to set up an account for free or download the Zoom Meetings app on your phone. We recommend that you set up your account the day before the meeting.
You can click on this link to take you to the meeting:
Meeting number is 840 7181 0498
The password is 371985
We recommend that you click on Use Computer Audio.
Call or text Suzan Bowman at 865-705-9451 if you have trouble logging on.
Pecans Are on Order
The pecan grove folks have told us that the fresh crop of pecans should be ready to ship after Thanksgiving. We will let you know as soon as they are delivered.
Contact Suzan Bowman via email @, 865-705-9451, or on Facebook Messenger. Delivery is expected around the first or second week of December.
Tulips have Arrived!
“Pink Impressions” tulips for your mailbox area have arrived! Ann Graf will have them at the Lake Hills church parking lot this Saturday from 10:00 am. to 1:00 pm. If you have preordered-you can pick them up then. These beautiful tulips will be planted and hopefully will bloom just in time for the Lakemoor Hills (featured) Dogwood Arts Festival Trail. The cost for the bag is $5.00 and contains tulips, bone meal, and instructions for planting. Let’s turn our neighborhood pink for the Dogwood Festival!!
Membership Meetings Resume in Person
The next meeting of the Lakemoor Hills Homeowner’s Association will be held on Tuesday night September 21 at the Lake Hills Church and will be streamed on Zoom and Facebook. All members are welcome.
The meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
Come a little early to sign in and purchase a Taste of Lakemoor Hills Cookbook developed by the Lakemoor Hills Resource Council. Sign up to buy Pecans from the Garden Club for delivery in November. For you history buffs, we will also have some of Nancy Hansards book; A Historical Sketch of Alcoa Highway Maryville Pike Section of Knox County, which highlights Lakemoor Hills. Agenda includes a report on the Ball Nightclub, Invasive plants in the neighborhood, Alcoa Highway updates, and other topics of interest.
MASKS are mandatory in the Church, but you can also attend via Zoom or Facebook. Hope to see you there! For questions, contact:
Minutes from the January 21, 2020 Homeowner Association Meeting
01-21-2019 Lakemoor Hills Homeowner’s Meeting Lake Hills Church
Mike Parker, President, called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Cindy Connor Coughlin Welcome Committee
Cindy welcomed new residents and invited them to introduce themselves to the group.
Tiffany Wright (Montlake)
Holli McCray (Maloney)
Jim Lawler (Trillium)
Suzanne Baugh
Pamela De Lana Gaughan (Gazebo at Waterford Cove)
Kevin and Kimberly Proffitt (Manor)
Secretary Report
Motion to accept the Secretary report was made by David Gerkin and seconded by Forrest Orr. Approved by the membership. The minutes are posted on the website.
Treasurer’s Report
Jim Kincaid made the treasurer report. He stated that on November 1, 2019 we had $ 25,152.35 in the bank at that time. Since then we have had income of $702.49.
The Lakemoor Hills Resource Council donated $500 to the Sip and Snoop event and those funds were spent on food and supplies.
The other expenses were for utilities and web site.
Total Balance available: $25,447.30 as of January 6, 2020.
$ 10,670.00 is dedicated to Alcoa Flower Highway Fund.
So the balance for general non-restricted funds is $14,778.87.
Kathy Proctor Beautification Committee Report
Mike Parker asked Kathy Proctor, Chair of the Alcoa Highway Beautification Council, to make a report on the Alcoa Highway Beautification status.
When we got together last, we told you that we were hiring a landscape architect to develop some contract documents, which the City of Knoxville was requiring of us, to access the $60,000 that the City has committed to this project. TDOT has committed to match the $60,000 in in-kind services, which will mostly be providing good dirt and moving it around for the plantings.
Currently the landscape architect’s drawings (Ross Fowler firm) are out for review by TDOT. They are on the front table for review.
Scheduled installation is for fall 2020 depending upon if the bridges and roads are ready. We cannot step on the property until Blalock is done and TDOT has given us permission.
There are two areas where Blalock has to remove the soil and replace it with good soil for wildflowers at the Maloney Road intersection. The soil has to be removed in the roundabouts too. This is where the $60,000 in services will be used to replace the soil with good soil for growing things here. There will be dirt replacement at Maloney Road and Montlake Drive.
The Maloney Bridge will have evergreens, maples and willow oaks right as you enter the bridge. The Montlake roundabout will have Limelight hydrangeas surrounded by Carissa hollies. The Maloney roundabouts will have Fountain Grass surrounded by Otto Lukyen Laurels. Wildflower species, which were recommended by NCDOT, include bachelor buttons, daisies, red and orange poppies, and larkspur.
Question #1.
I have concern around the safety issues of the height of the plants in the roundabouts. I know that TDOT has height requirements. Also, the foundation grasses need to be sterile, if they are not sterile they will become invasive and they are awful to clean up. Kathy said that this is great feedback and they will pass that back to the City.
Question # 2.
Who is actually doing the planting?
The City of Knoxville will hire someone will do the plantings using the $60,000 they have committed. The Garden Clubs will maintain the roundabouts. The City has installed water at the Roundabouts and will also pay for the water bill.
There are a lot of volunteers who have been working on this.
Bob Proctor Security Cameras
We met with Lakemoor Hills Resource Council (LHRC) (our 501 C 3 non-profit organization) and requested $5,000 contribution to pay for the balance of the cameras. The Lakemoor Hills Homeowner’s Association is contributing $5,216. We need to thank the LHRC for donating the money before fund-raising commenced. The $5,000 is a big hit to their budget, so tax deductable contributions would be appreciated.
We want to foster some study groups get some ideas for new projects in the neighborhood, such as the greenway extensions and maybe some sidewalks.
There will be cameras located at all 3 of the entrances to the neighborhood. The sites have been approved by KUB, and they are in the KUB right-of-way. Vigilant Solutions, the camera company from whom we are purchasing the cameras, has approved them as well. The cameras are hooked directly into City, County, and UT police departments. It pings vehicle license plates when a suspect comes into or exits the neighborhood. The system does not require anything on our part, it happens automatically within the camera system.
We will request tomorrow that KUB mark the utilities. In about a week, we will get the poles, dig the holes, and install the poles. We expect the second week of Feb. the system will be up and running.
Camera feeds are kept for 90 days. During daylight hours, the system can see the plate, make, model and color of the car. In the dark, the cameras will see the license plate.
Wendy Warren has been working with the Sherriff’s Department and she was able to get Bo Cheatham assigned to our neighborhood. He is an Investigator and has a more flexible schedule.
If you do have an emergency, you should call 911 first. The police will have access to the camera feeds.
Bob asked that you please give money to LHRC to help pay for the cameras.
Forrest Orr Neighborhood Emergency Text Alerts
198 people signed up before tonight. I now have 200 with Wendy Warren (199) and Holli McCray (200). We have approximately 400 families in the neighborhood so we have about half of our residents signed up at this point.
We have discovered that the Knoxville Emergency Management Agency (KEMA) has set up the same type of system with Knox County. We are going to meet with them to see if they can integrate our system with their system. This would relieve the burden of our association to administer the system. In the handout provided tonight, there are two pages to show you how to sign up for the text alerts from KEMA.
Go to and select “COUNTY WIDE ALERTING” at the bottom of the page.
On this page you can select “Don’t have an account? Sign up” at the bottom of this page. Then you will be taken to the sign up page to enter your personal information.
One neighbor said that Comcast/Xfinity is discontinuing their text system in 2 weeks. This may impact the people who do not have cell phones. Mike Parker said that the KEMA system asks for more information on how to contact you, so if you do not have a cell phone, you can give them a landline number. He said it takes about 5 minutes to sign up.
We are excited about working with Knox County on this alert system. They are excited that we are leading the charge for Knox County. You can sign up for this system right now. The green bags from the KEMA list what the alerts systems cover.
We have information on how to sign up. Forrest said he is available to help you after the meeting.
Question #1
Dawn Thomas asked if this text alert system will integrate with SAFETN?
Forrest said that he will ask Colin Ickes at the Knox County Emergency Agency to see if it integrates with SAFETN. Mike Parker indicated that this is not the first time that we have worked with KEMA. He stated that he and Kathy and Bob Proctor took their Emergency Management training several years ago when the Security Committee was set up. He said that the KEMA is integrated with all law enforcement and other agencies such as police, fire, medical etc. all around the metro area.
We will use the KEMA system for verified emergencies. Facebook and the LHHA website, will be the primary means of communication of details or discussion.
Randy Kerns Beautification Committee
You guys rallied this year so much that we had to expand the awards for the yard decorations. The Christmas tree was very nice and thanks to all of the elves that decorated it. The Garden Club made mailbox toppers for a fundraiser.
In 2021 Lakemoor Hills trail will be the featured Dogwood Arts trails as long as the construction is completed by then.
Kathy Proctor: Communications
Facebook site: Lakemoor Hills Homeowners Association, click “JOIN”. You have to answer some questions to validate that you live in the neighborhood. Upon review of your answers, the Facebook administrations will accept you to the page. is our Website address.
Suzan Bowman Social Committee
Dogwood Trails open on April 1. Knox County will pick up brush that is put out by the street – only the streets that are actually on the Dogwood Trail and have the pink dots painted on the street. Dogwood bows will be available in March from the Garden Club for your mailbox. They are $5.00.
The LHHA Neighborhood Family Picnic will be on Saturday May 16 this year. It will be held here at the church from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Suzan will post on Facebook to gather ideas for the picnic this year. If you are interested in joining the Social Committee, please contact Suzan Bowman.
New Business
Mike reported that there are some places where the edges of the road have deteriorated and have fallen off. We have looked at these places. We have worked with the County road people in the past. We will go to the County with areas that we are concerned about. If you know of areas that need to be reported to the County, take photos and send them to Mike Parker or Wendy Warren and they will get them to the County.
Update on Ginn Road Renaming
Ginn Road is now officially Ginn Farm Road. The Ginn family was influential in starting this subdivision and neighbors wanted to keep the name in the road.
The short cul-de-sac that is currently the entrance to Alcoa Highway will also be renamed.
Gene Burr mentioned that TDOT has an animation of the circulation pattern of the new Alcoa Highway.
The Manor Road is also called Manor Drive. Wendy Warren will ask Steve Elliott about that. There are some differences in Post Office and 911, and Trustee office addresses.
There are some missing street signs: Woodmere Lane and Manor Road.
The Pecan Ingredient Cookbook is available for purchase from the Garden Club.
March 21 is the Neighborhood Clean Up Day, that is the day that we clean up the neighborhood from end to end in preparation for the Dogwood Trail opening.
Motion made to adjourn at 7:47 p.m.
Suzan Bowman
Homeowners Meeting Tuesday at 7:00 pm
Join your neighbors for the next homeowners meeting on Tuesday night at 7:00 p.m. at Lake Hills Church. The agenda includes updates on the Alcoa Highway project, the security cameras, the emergency alert system and our relationship with Knox County Sheriff’s Department. Doors open at 6:30 and meeting starts at 7:00. Hope to see you there.