For decades, the Lakemoor Hills Garden Club has delighted in welcoming you to your neighborhood with beautiful flowers at Alcoa Highway and Montlake Road. Now with the welcome improvements to Alcoa Highway, we need to dig it.
You can dig your own Stella d oro day lilies , Dutch Master (King Alfred improved) daffodils, and Tahiti daffodils for $5/dozen. This is an honor dig. Each clump of day lilies will contain about 30 plants and each daffodil clump about 20. Count individual plants or bulbs or estimate your clumps. Please be generous, because we are. The lilies are at least $3/each retail and the daffodils $2/each retail. Dig, count your plants, be generous and mail or drop off your check to Lakemoor Hills Garden Club to Mary Cartwright, 4000 Maloney Road. If you want to be over-the-top generous, dig, don’t count and make a huge donation to Lakemoor Hills Resource Council for the Bluff Point improvements. Send or mail your check to the same place.
If you wish to wait and have me dig your plants, I’ll be happy to do so for $10/dozen beginning May 1. I’ll post another notice then.
Thanks for making your neighborhood a credit to us all.