Kudzu Task Force Update and Review
The Kudzu Task Force is currently in a discovery mode to determine what we can do to curtail the invasion of Kudzu in our peninsula.
The next step is a representative from V&V Land Management & Resource Recovery LLC will be coming out to review the Kudzu issue within Lakemoor Hills. Anyone interested in attending is welcome. Our task force will be meeting at the church parking lot (at the Montlake entrance) Monday April 11, 2016 at 2:00pm. This location will allow us to park safely and walk down Montlake to review some of the bad areas. We may also travel to other areas.
V&V has performed landscape clearing services to a resident in our community along with proposing Kudzu removal at another resident.
If you have any questions or want to join the Kudzu Task Force please contact Randy Kerns 937-694-5626 randykerns@panyard.com
Thank you
Randy Kerns