Lakemoor Hills Homeowners Assn – General Meeting TONIGHT 7 PM at Lake Hills Church & Online
Reminder – Lakemoor Hills Homeowners Assn – General Meeting TONIGHT 7 PM at Lake Hills Church & Online.
We have a VOTE on the Neighborhood Entrance Signs tonight! Example photos below for reference. Left photo is the “Traditional” style. Right photo is the “Boulder” style. You can vote both in-person and online.
Attend in-person or via Zoom!
Topic: Lakemoor Hills Homeowners Assn – General Meeting
Time: Mar 22, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 831 4165 9437
Passcode: 962122
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Meeting ID: 831 4165 9437
Passcode: 962122
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