LHHA EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM (ERT) is soliciting money to assist and help defray costs for the individuals who assist with clearing our streets and storm damage in LH. For many years, Ron “Gator” Garlin and Jason Blasdell have graciously volunteered their time, work, and expertise in removing downed trees and assisting with power restoration in LH. During the last ice storm, Jason Blasdell spent many days helping remove ice on the streets in LH. Although these two and others are volunteering their time, the LH Board thought it was appropriate to solicit donations to help assist and partially defray the cost for their volunteer work. LHHA is an umbrella organization with the goal of making Lakemoor Hills a great place to live. These two neighbors and others have certainly been wonderful neighbors in helping LH neighbors and the LH neighborhood.
If you’d like to donate to this worthwhile cause, you can mail a check, use Venmo, or contribute on the LHHA website. Contributions will help with providing gift cards to these two neighbors to show our appreciation for their help in making LH a great place to live.
Please note that your contribution is for the LHHA ERT.
Lakemoor Hills HOA
c/o Kathy Proctor
2429 Lakemoor Drive
Knoxville TN 37920
Venmo: @LakemoorHills-HOA
Website: Lakemoor.org