In May of 2018 we will be holding an election to fill some board positions that will become vacant. Our bylaws state that a Lakemoor Hills Homeowners’ Association (LHHA) board member serves a two-year term and may serve two consecutive terms. Then they must roll off the board or run for an officer position. This year we have two members who have served two consecutive terms so their positions will become vacant. If you have interest in serving in leadership in the LHHA, please contact me (Kathy Proctor 599-7783) or Sharon Gerkin, Chair of the Nominating Committee, to find out more about these roles.
We live in the best neighborhood in Knox County – the quiet side of the river – and there are many opportunities that will be developing to enrich this area as the Alcoa Hwy project (phase I) nears completion. We have an energetic board that is passionate about this neighborhood. Please let me know if you have interest in being a part of our future.