LHHA Member Meeting, January 20, 2015
Dick opened the meeting at 7:00 by introducing Jeff Welch from the Metropolitan Planning commission and Doug Bataille from Knox County Parks.
- Jeff Welch has worked 30 years with the development of regional greenways. He was giving us a regional perspective
- 1/3 of all TN greenways are located in ET
- 3 efforts at the moment and he mentioned that they are building for the future
1) Maryville to Townsend. 14 miles. 25 million.
2) Knoxville, W Knoxville and Oak Ridge. It will connect to 10 mile greenway
3)Tellico Village and Tellico Parkway. This project is in the study phase
- there are also some smaller studies
- for more information visit Knoxtrans.org
- Doug Batielle. from the Knox County Parks discussed our area
- Overview: They have a design for a number of years. But there were problems on McCarrell Lane as the greenway went across the front of residents property. Afterwards they went to Vulcan and Legacy Parks got involved. Previously Vulcan was willing to give an easement but now they are thinking of selling some property and the easement might not help them. They are still in decision making process. A third part of the plan is the greenway from Maloney Rd to IC King Park. This part of the project is ready for bidding and will probably start in about 6 months after a bid has been accepted.
- The connector from Marine park still might go through Vulcan (depending on their decision or a final option but not the preferred one is to put it down the middle of the road on McCarrell Lane.
- This part of the project will not begin for about 5 years giving them time. They will wait until the highway is done to finish.
Questions came from some folks on McCarrell, the owners of the property on Maloney and also from members.
- TDOT will continue with their project while the other greenway development is going on so there will be no waiting for the TDOT project
- A question about medium density and what that means that was found in the small area plan. This plan was never pursued.
- Minutes were attached to the agenda. There were no objections or corrections.
- Treasurer’s Report – Bill Stoess
The Treasury balance is $6442.96. Regular expenses were offset by additional dues. There are 208 members. Regular expenses include mailings, postage and delivery of flyers.
- All of the questions regarding McCarrell Lane had been answered in the presentation at the beginning of the meeting so there was no further discussion.
- Beautification Committee – Sharon Gerkin.
- Sharon mentioned the beautiful decorations for the holidays and the street challenges that made for a delightful season. She hopes there will be even more next year
- Sharon asked that we all work to keep peninsula litter free.
- The committee will have a meeting next month and will focus on the Dogwood festival which is coming up soon.
- She stressed that Safety, efficient services, and beautiful environment make a great neighborhood
- Their committee is always open to ideas so please feel free to suggest things.
- There was and is a very cooperative spirit between the garden club and LHHA. Both groups worked together to make the red bows for the street signs. She thanked Randy Karns and Cyndi Klassen for putting them all up. She and a guest took them down.
- Breakout session report – Kathy Proctor
Kathy reported on what issues were listed as important by the members at the last meeting in order of importance
- Brush pickup
- Alternatives to Internet
- Increase membership
- Coordinated support group for neighbors
- Art show during the Dogwood festival by all neighborhood artists
- More development in Maloney Road Park
- Digital speed limit signs
- Service list. Babysitter, dog sitter, etc
- Energy seminars
- Hydrants
She then passed around a Clip board to sign up for what you want to help with
A question was raised about why there was a Septic pump in the county park. Doug Bataille answered by saying that he could do nothing about it was approved by county commission. Other county parks also have septic tanks.
It was mentioned that there are 2 new fire hydrants on McCarrell Lane
A member mentioned that there was an alternative to Comcast and it is AT&T. However another member who tried it said it didn’t work. Another alternative is a Hotbox on your phone But have to have enough GBS for it to work. U-verse from AT&T is available on Bluff Point and Timberlake.
Another member said that we should use the website to post when a neighbor dies.
- Local businesses – Clay Aalders
It was suggested that at a subsequent meeting local businesses or individuals who work out of their home market their work by putting up a display or table to alert residents of their work. Clay asked for people to inform him if they would like to participate.
- Brush and leaf pickup – Bill Stoess
Many property owners leave brush either on their property or their neighbors. There is no one who will pick it up for you and it should not be left there for a year until the 2 times the city picks it up for Dogwood so Pick it up. Someone also suggested that the organization send a letter to property owners with brush in front telling them to pick it up.
- Old Business – Charlie Mulligan.
RE: Alcoa highway. Charlie gave an overview reminding us that we were to
be the 1st section and it was to begin in late fall of this year
On Oct 24. Commissioner Shroer said it was delayed because of federal
funding and that he was cancelling 30 projects statewide.
Dick sent a letter to Commissioner Schoer, Governor Haslam and Representative Duncan. Charlie read responses. They will be posted on the website.
It was suggested strongly that we should all send letters to Congressman Duncan Urging him to move this project as he is the current Vice Chair on Infrastructure and Transportation on the federal level and also our representative
Find the address for Duncan on list serve
- Security – Forrest Or
1 incident on Ginn Rd this past month
- Dick offered this piece of news . Near Court south a National company is installing a 16 inch gas main from Topside to golf course to serve UT.
- Geri Mulligan from the welcoming committee introduced New members attending the meeting
- Kim and CL Overman on Bluff Point
- Marta Vandergriff. Lived here over a year in Rivergate but this was her first meetng.
- Gene Burr mentioned the problem with the shoulder of the road on Alcoa near Maloney. They are still working to solve the problem.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15
Respectfully submitted,
Geri Mulligan