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Reminder: LHHA Membership Mtg. Rescheduled to 4/12
Just a reminder that tomorrow night’s meeting has been postponed until 4/12.
Hope to see you there.
Update from Kathy P. :
The LHHA meeting that was scheduled for next Tuesday, March 15 is being rescheduled to April 12 at Lake Hills Church. We hope to have a presentation on the impact of the road construction at Alcoa Highway, which is to start within a few weeks.
Pink and Green bows will be available at the meeting to decorate your mailboxes for Dogwood Arts Festival. ($5)
Everyone is invited to be part of the Neighborhood Cleanup effort on March 19. We will meet in the church parking lot at 9 AM to get our assignments and supplies. Pizza will be served in the church pavilion about 11:30. We will also have Dogwood bows available at this time.
Changing the forum back to closed comments
Several people have complained about the streamlining of the comment procedure to not require a login. The changes were made after several other people complained that it was difficult and kludgy to comment, especially if there was a time sensitive issue and there was a problem with log in.
The changes were made to the website to be more easily used by all including the less technically savvy in the neighborhood. Given the privacy requests of members of the LHHA Board I have turned the log in requirement back on. In order to comment and post (posts always required login) a login will be required. Please keep in mind that the internet inherently creates privacy challenges.
Going forward you will need to log in to leave both a post or a comment. Unfortunately, if you have a time-sensitive item or a problem logging on it might take a couple of days to resolve.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact me and I will do my best to explain.
LHHA Family Event Reminder: Bat walk for kids (and grown ups) with Peg from IJAMS
Just a reminder so folks can get it on their calendars. (it is on the LHHA Calendar here)
Peg Beute, naturalist from Ijams, will be leading a short talk and “bat walk” at 6:30 pm on Tuesday October the 6th at the Lake Hills Church.
She led an “owl prowl” last year and it was a great success and a lot of fun.
Please joins us for a fun and educational evening for all.
Refreshments will be served.
Lost Yellow Lab on Timberlake
If you are missing your yellow lab, it came by 3313 Timberlake to visit. I caught it and it is safe in my workshop. Call me at 865-964-6403 to recover your dog. Thanks.
Clay Aalders
Septic Suggestions?
Howdy Folks…
I have a major septic issue I need to resolve, and while I have had one person come out, and I am going to try to reach the person the Dick Graf suggested on the list here, I wanted to ask if anyone else had a recommendation. Thanks.
Clay Aalders
LHHA Meeting Minutes 3-17-15
Lakemoor Hills Home Owner’s Association Meeting
“The Quiet Side of the River”
Minutes – March 17, 2015
President Dick Graf opened the meeting at 7:00 pm and welcomed all attendees and the neighborhood business people who had display tables.
Secretary’s Report Minutes from January, 20, 2015 – (John Haynes) -Geri Mulligan took the minutes for the January 20th meeting were read, motion was made to approve and seconded, minutes carried.
Treasurer’s Report (Bill Stoess) – Current balance of $ 6,470. Motion was made to approve and seconded, treasurer’s report carried.
Meeting Minutes 01/20/2015
LHHA Member Meeting, January 20, 2015
Dick opened the meeting at 7:00 by introducing Jeff Welch from the Metropolitan Planning commission and Doug Bataille from Knox County Parks.
- Jeff Welch has worked 30 years with the development of regional greenways. He was giving us a regional perspective
- 1/3 of all TN greenways are located in ET
- 3 efforts at the moment and he mentioned that they are building for the future
1) Maryville to Townsend. 14 miles. 25 million.
2) Knoxville, W Knoxville and Oak Ridge. It will connect to 10 mile greenway
3)Tellico Village and Tellico Parkway. This project is in the study phase
- there are also some smaller studies
- for more information visit Knoxtrans.org