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Thanks to the city of Knoxville
Please join me in thanking the city on their quick action cleaning up our entrance. There were deer parts, a stove, bags of trash and scattered trash. One e-mail and it was handled the same day. The people behind the work were David Brace, dbrace@knoxvilletn.gov, Chad Weth, cweth@knoxvilletn.gov, and Sheryl Ely, SEly@knoxvilletn.gov. And of course, it wouldn’t hurt to pass along your thanks to Mayor Rogero, mayor@knoxvilletn.gov
Separate issue: Rene Montalvo, 200-0938, and Angel Garcia, (201)423-3699, did a great job cleaning our entrance garden and putting it to bed for the winter. If you need help indoors, outdoors, hauling away trash, whatever, give them a call.
Mary Cartwright