Don’t forget – Bring your old electronic equipment to be recycled tonight or tomorrow!
I’ll be at the Happy Hour this afternoon (September 15) from 5:00 – 6:30 and will also collect on September 16th at Circle Lake Park from 4 – 5 PM. If neither of those dates or times work, let me know and I’ll find a time to pick it up at your house. Please note: I have a small pickup truck and will only be able to collect desktop or small computer equipment.
I’ll be taking the recycle equipment to eCycle on Monday afternoon.
Please read the FAQ’s on items they will and won’t take:
Q: What items do you accept for recycle?
A: eCycle accepts and recycles most electronics including computers, laptops, servers, network equipment, APC’s/UPS, batteries, telecom equipment, printers, scanners, unopened toner, audio/visual equipment, home electronics, cell phones, cable and wire, microwaves and ovens
Q: What items are not accepted?
A: We do not accept televisions, CRT monitors, light bulbs, fluorescent bulbs, glass, media tapes and VCR tapes, hazardous, flammable, radioactive, corrosive items, or large appliances such as refrigerators or dishwashers. We are also unable to pickup large floor model copiers at this time.