The LHHA HOMEOWNERS MEETING will be Tuesday night, May 16 at 7:00 at Lake Hills Church. Tea and cookies will be served at the beginning as we socialize for 20 minutes or so. Important topics will be discussed featuring a Power Point presentation by the Traffic Safety and Speed Task Force.
SIP & SNOOP….The Quiet Side of the River HOUSE TOUR: On Thursday evening, October 12, between 5:00-8:30pm, you have the opportunity to tour five of our unique neighborhood homes. A limited number of tickets will be sold to residents of Lakemoor Hills peninsula only. Wine and hors d’oeuvres will be served at each home. The cost for LHHA members is $40.00 per person, all others $50.00 per person. Ticket sales will be limited to the first one hundred purchasers. The first opportunity to purchase a ticket will be on Tuesday evening at the Homeowners’ Meeting. The second opportunity will be at the Neighborhood picnic on Saturday, May 20. Since only 100 tickets will be sold, please consider buying your ticket early. The proceeds from this House Tour go toward beautification following the Alcoa Highway improvements.
NEIGHBORHOOD FAMILY PICNIC: Come to the neighborhood old-fashioned picnic! Bring your kids, bring a covered dish, bring an extra chair, bring conversation, meet your neighbors! It takes place Saturday, May 20 at Lake Hills Presbyterian Church between 4:00 and 7:00 pm. Chicken will be provided by the Lakemoor Hills Homeowner’s Association. There will be activities for all ages, art show, car show, steel drums, face painting, plant swap, miniature horse rides and much more! The play equipment has been renovated and painted just in time for the picnic. Bring stories and jokes……come and enjoy!