The Beautification Committee is excited to announce that it is time again for our Spring Neighborhood Cleanup Day, this Saturday, March 24 at 9 AM. We schedule this event each year right before the Dogwood Trails open to the public (this year trails open March 31). We will meet in the church parking lot at 9 AM to pick up supplies (trash bags, gloves, etc.) and then head out to our assigned street or job. Many people will be picking up trash along all the roads in the neighborhood. We also have teams that shine street signs; clean signs and doggie waste stations of mildew; spread mulch on common properties; sell Dogwood mailbox bows; pick up filled bags of trash and deliver to the waste station; and someone who prepares lunch for everyone afterwards.
Please join us Saturday for a little light work and then some pizza at the church pavilion by the tennis courts. You will meet some great neighbors and really do a wonderful thing to help Lakemoor Hills be beautiful.
If you have a certain job that you are interested in doing, or a street that you will commit to pick up the trash, please email Kathy Proctor or come to the LHHA meeting on Tuesday night to sign up. Here are a few of our previous cleanup volunteers. If you have safety vests, please wear them.