Please say “NO” to Speeding and “YES” to Safety on our Neighborhood Streets
At the recent LHHA HOA meeting, we discussed speeding and possible actions, past, present and future. The Knox Co traffic engineer has submitted work orders for some additional signs and is waiting for feedback from above on other striping, rumble strips etc. The Board has created a Task Force which will hopefully be up and running shortly. We would like to have additional volunteers for the task force especially with an engineering, law enforcement and education background. In the meantime, please respect your neighbors and drive the speed limit….
C.L. Overman. Chair of Traffic Safety
The streets are narrow with little to no shoulder available. Those who live on Montlake and Maloney must retrieve their mail with speeding cars going by forcing some to jump for a ditch. It is tempting to reach a high speed on the long, straight areas of both roads but let’s try to relax and maintain the 30 mph limit.
The LHHA supports and is actively campaigning for Safety and Driving the posted Speed Limits!
Sharon W. Gerkin, President, LHHA