White SUV cutting through the church parking lot and speeding away northbound on Maloney; please stop doing so. It’s dangerous.
C.L. Overman
3516 Bluff Point Drive
(865) 363-2663
...the quiet side of the river...
by C.L. Overman
White SUV cutting through the church parking lot and speeding away northbound on Maloney; please stop doing so. It’s dangerous.
C.L. Overman
3516 Bluff Point Drive
(865) 363-2663
by C.L. Overman
LHHA Traffic Safety Task Force
C.L. Overman
(865) 363-2663
Our radar speed sign has been located on Maloney northbound just past the church. The sign is adjacent to the community Christmas tree.
The sign company is going to adjust for [adjusted] the sign for proper operations today or tomorrow [May 23rd or 24th]. We will let it run a couple of days at that location to iron out the kinks.
Lakemoor Hills Presb. Church was helpful to provide the location as we cannot locate it on street right-of-way. Other good neighbors have provided spots for the sign along Montlake both downhill and uphill. We could use a couple more sites along Maloney if any kindly neighbor would like to volunteer a nice open site. The traffic engineer turned down one volunteered Maloney site for being too close to the road. If you would like to volunteer your yard, please give me a call and I’ll drop by to take a look.
Thanks again for your assistance and support.”
by C.L. Overman
Lakemoor Hills will again be seeing speed sensor tubes on Maloney Road and Montlake Drive. Once the tubes are placed for a few days and in a continued effort to keep our neighborhood streets safe, the LHHA Traffic Safety Task Force will be locating a radar speed sign at various locations along our two main roads. We are renting the sign for a limited period of time to determine feasibility for long-term use.
We will be testing the sign in initial locations starting this week (Wk of May 21) to iron out the kinks. It will simply state the speed limit (30 MPH) and your speed. It will provide a learning experience for us all.
The Knox County traffic engineer will analyze the data once we run the sign for a few weeks to determine the effect of the signs.
We will then have hard data to help us determine whether further use of the signs is warranted.
Dependant on the outcome, we may run another pilot after school starts in the fall.
Please note that the sign is very expensive and that your neighbors and the LHHA is paying for the rental and is responsible for the sign.
Please remember the importance of traffic safety in our neighborhood for all residents. School is out now or soon so more of our kids and grandkids will be home.
Comments, questions, suggestions, etc?
Thanks to all for your cooperation and assistance.
C.L. Overman
by C.L. Overman
During work hours over the next several weeks, Pipeline Construction, KUB’s waterline contractor, will be boring and installing a new 8″ waterline along the north side of Montlake Drive between Timberlake and Tall Pine.
This project requires the contractor to close the westbound lane of Montlake to accommodate equipment and personnel. After hours, it appears that the contractor is doing a good job removing obstacles to traffic.
The delay both directions on Montlake should be reasonable except possibly at rush hours, AM and PM. Please be considerate to the construction crew members as they are working hard to improve our water service.
I’ve driven the construction area both directions several times and it should generally flow pretty well if we are patient and plan ahead for some modest delay. I’ve already seen a very limited number of folks throw their hands up in utter disgust over a minor delay. Come on, people. This our neighborhood, not west Knoxville or New York City….
If you have suggestions, complaints, call BR-549; no actually my number is 363-2663 24/7 and I’m your friendly (generally) LHHA KUB rep C.L. Overman..
To subscribe to updates about this and other KUB projects, please have a look at the new forums.
by C.L. Overman
The KUB-contractor had a tough day today, December 19, with another blowout of the old line which had a ripple effect on other infrastructure along Lakemoor. Hopefully, no resident had a service disruption.
They will have to dig up 100′ of line to repair the damage.
This is a good crew doing their best in cold weather. Again, if anyone wants the direct contact numbers, those are available in previous posts.
Otherwise, take them some hot snacks and drinks. Kim and I are planning to take them a platter of ham biscuits this week.
Merry Christmas
C.L. Overman
*This message was posted by David Couch on behalf of C.L. Overman
by C.L. Overman
A message to C.L. Overman from Paul Chapman of KUB:
Pipeline Construction requests a planned water outage for Tuesday, December 6 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. There will be 37 customers included in the outage. The rain date will be Wednesday Dec. 7. I am attaching a list of the customers that will be affected by the outage. Massamba is notifying the customers today.
Paul Chapman Supervisor Key Accounts|Knoxville Utilities Board
445 S. Gay Street | Knoxville TN 37902
(865) 558-2740 Office | (865) 254-6608 Cell
www.kub.org Your Source for Energy and Water Services
Posted by David Couch on behalf of C.L. Overman (865) 363-2663