Alcoa Highway
TDOT Completes Improvements to Alcoa Hwy / Maloney Rd.
After TDOT completed the reconstruction at the intersection of Alcoa Hwy and Maloney Rd., it was evident that a deceleration lane was not possible with existing utility lines. The LHHA was told that the utilities could not be moved for the deceleration lane installed at this time. LHHA requested that additional signage and striping be installed to warn motorists about the narrow shoulder. That work was recently completed, as shown in the attached photo.
LHHA Meeting Minutes 3-17-15
Lakemoor Hills Home Owner’s Association Meeting
“The Quiet Side of the River”
Minutes – March 17, 2015
President Dick Graf opened the meeting at 7:00 pm and welcomed all attendees and the neighborhood business people who had display tables.
Secretary’s Report Minutes from January, 20, 2015 – (John Haynes) -Geri Mulligan took the minutes for the January 20th meeting were read, motion was made to approve and seconded, minutes carried.
Treasurer’s Report (Bill Stoess) – Current balance of $ 6,470. Motion was made to approve and seconded, treasurer’s report carried.
Write Representative Duncan about Alcoa Hwy Improvements
This evening at the LHHA homeowner’s meeting we were encouraged to write to our representatives in Congress to encourage them to move a multi-year funding bill for federal highways forward, so the TN Department of Transportation (TDOT) can make longer range commitments and begin construction on much needed highway projects. Please write Representative Duncan and encourage him as our representative, and the chair of the Transportation Committee, to use his influence to get the funding required to address the improvements to the extremely dangerous Alcoa Highway. Here is his contact information:
2207 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-5435
Fax: (202) 225-6440
800 Market Street, Suite 110
Knoxville, TN 37902
Phone: (865) 523-3772
Fax: (865) 544-0728
Alcoa Highway/Maloney Rd Intersection Explanation
Here is an explanation of the situation at the Alcoa Highway/Maloney Road intersection, as explained to our Committee Chair Gene Burr:
Subject: Alcoa Highway near Maloney Road IntersectionMr. Burr,It was a pleasure to speak with you recently regarding Alcoa Highway near Maloney Road in Knoxville.During the recent safety project along Alcoa Highway near the Maloney Road intersection, there was an 8” gas line relocation and an existing 2” water line that was retired. The project included installation of curb and gutter and storm drain pipe in the vicinity of the intersection. It was the goal of the project to provide the improvements within existing right-of-way to minimize impacts and to provide an aggressive delivery schedule. The widening design of the center medians required the use of most of the existing right-of-way. Additional right-of-way would have been required to provide deceleration lanes at the intersection, which would have required additional time to deliver the project.As an added measure, I have asked our Regional Traffic Office to review the location and determine if any additional low-cost safety improvements, such as signing and marking, could be added to the area near the intersection to alert the motorist that the shoulder ends prior to the Maloney Road intersection.We were pleased to work with your community to be able to deliver this project as quickly as possible and provide interim safety improvements to Alcoa Highway. If you have further questions or need additional information, please let me know.Amanda Snowden, P.E.Regional Director of OperationsTDOT – Region OneThanks for that information, Gene!
TDOT road project delayed
After hearing a story on the noon news, I followed up to read the story to find out that the construction project on Alcoa Highway from Maloney Road to Woodson Drive is listed as one of the projects that has been delayed. If anyone has knowledge about what this really means, please let us know. It is not consistent with the answer to the funding question at the recent community meeting – but not surprising given the perpetual delay of addressing the problem.
Alcoa Highway photo map
Tried to enlarge photo map, clicked on it, and it did not enlarge. Do I need to move my tongue to my other cheek? Gene
Dangerous Drivers
On Sunday, 02/09/14, while heading out of the neiborhood I was passed by a car on Montlake where there are clearly double yellow lines. I noticed the car coming up behind me as I turned from Maloney to Montlake, as I got to area near Jones Rd., just past the church, the car made its move to pass me. Since I was going the posted 30mph speed limit, I was surprised that I was being passed. I was able to get the first three letters/numbers on their tag before they got out of sight, they were F94. The car was a white 4 door Toyota, possibly a Prius. The time was between 0935-0938. As I came down the hill to approach the intersection at Alcoa Hwy I saw the car as it turned left and proceeded north on Alcoa Hwy. That was the last I saw of this car. I understand some folks aren’t always residents here and could be guests. If you happen to know who this may have been, please ask them to respect the posted speeds and no passing in the area. There will come a point when word of mouth requests will not take care of the problem and we may have to ask for assistance from KCSO.